Have you ever noticed that you have mysterious bumps that appear after working out? Is it sweat that causes acne?
No, sweating does not cause acne. But, if you get bumps that look like acne from working out and/or sweating, what you may be experiencing is something called folliculitis—aka pityrosporum folliculitis. It is an infection of the hair follicle thought to be caused by the common cutaneous yeast, Malassezia furfur.
A clue that it could be folliculitis and not acne is that the bumps “come and go” and sometimes can be itchy. I used to get red bumps out of nowhere on my chest which would then mysteriously disappear again. I know now that what I was dealing with was folliculitis.
Many bikers get those same red mysterious bumps on their buttocks from tight bike shorts and sweating.
Typical areas of folliculitis are the forehead, the chest, and the buttocks.
The best way to get rid of folliculitis is to use antifungal ingredients like mandelic and ketaconazole. We carry products at Face Reality Acne Clinic with those ingredients and have helped resolve many cases of folliculitis.
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