National Survey on Acne

Face Reality surveyed over 1,000 people in the U.S. to learn how acne has impacted their life. We learned that acne has a profound effect on one’s mental health. No one should feel ashamed of their skin. We believe in embracing your skin—on the good days, flareups, and every day in-between.

Acne Isn’t Just Skin Deep

In their own words, respondents shared how acne makes them feel.

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States. Any given year, 50 million Americans across all ages experience acne.*

*According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association.

Skin Health is Mental Health

of respondents have been bullied or ostracized in their teens and 20s because of their acne3
said their acne has made them feel anxious1
said their acne had an extremely negative impact on their confidence2

People Need Acne Experts


of respondents were confident about where to find help when first experiencing acne4


have been frustrated with the lack of acne products that work5

Acne Expert Maddie Tamashiro and her client Alissa.

You Make a Difference

You have the power to change lives every day, even beyond skincare. Keep spreading positivity and encouraging everyone (including you) to love the skin they're in.

Get Started

Organizations We Love

The following organizations are doing amazing work on a local and national level to provide mental health community support, education, and resources for everyone. We encourage you to share these with your clients so that they can live happier, healthier lives.

  • 1 When asked if their acne has ever made them feel anxious.
  • 2 Respondents were given a 5-point scale when asked the extent to which acne has affected their confidence.
  • 3 When asked if they have ever felt belittled, ostracized or bullied because of their acne. Respondents share their age at the beginning of the survey.
  • 4 When asked how confident they were about where to find help and treatment at the onset of their acne.
  • 5 Respondents answered ‘yes’ when asked if they have been frustrated with the lack of efficacy in products available to treat acne.
Based on Face Reality Skincare’s independent acne survey conducted by over 1,000 U.S. participants in May 2022. 2022